
The Mission of Collegiate Ministries is to foster Christian community on college campuses in the area and to equip and encourage students to share Christ on our campuses, in our communities, and beyond.

Vision Statement

Helping students to be Christ like in and around their world.

Values Statement

1. Love the lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Have a strong personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Stand firm on the Bible – God’s true word.
Worship God in all you do

2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Show God’s love by serving others
Share the gospel of Christ through word and deed
Demonstrate a life of integrity
Be active in a local body of believers

The Campus Ministry Team

Eric Diaz – Team Lead
Angie Betancourt – Campus Minister (ex-officio)
Sam Crowder – Campus Minister (ex-officio)

Develop & Support ministries on college campuses within the CBBA
Encourage Church involvement in campus ministry
Assist churches in reaching out to and discipling college students

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