
Missions Team

Matching Resources to Opportunities with our Member Churches
This team exists to identify and enlist resources and connect them with needs and opportunities within our member churches. The team continues to look for more ways to provide association-sponsored ministries and resources designed to support the mission of our churches.


Missions Team Leader position is currently vacant


Summer Missions Program led by Jim McGown    Summer Missionaries are college students who have committed a summer to minister in and through our churches.  They spend eight weeks partnering with one another serving through summer ministry programs in our churches.  Jim & Mary are members of Richland Baptist Church in Richland, Washington.

Vacation Bible School Catalyst Barbara Meek    VBS is a proven program for reaching children and their families with many of our association churches. As a VBS Catalyst, Barbara encourages the use of the program, trains leaders in its use and coordinates shared resources through the association. Barbara is a member of Grace and Truth Community in West Richland, Washington.
Women’s Ministry and WMU led by Kaye Malody   Women’s Ministry and the WMU has a strong heritage in local churches as a catalyst for missionary action, education and support.  This association ministry group comes alongside local church ministries to strengthen their leaders, provide shared resources and organize association-wide events that promote the cause of mission efforts in and through local churches.  Kaye and her husband, Mike are members of Blue Mountain Baptist Church in Walla Walla where Mike is the pastor.